We Design & Produce any styles of “Washitsu” from Residential to Commercial use and provide every element of “Washitsu” that will satisfy your needs and taste

We are the “Washitsu” Master Collaborative

Mr.Naito Takashi

Tatami Master

Mr. Irikura Nobuyuki

Tategu Master

Mr.Soma Katsuyuki

Wall Cloth & Paper Craft Master

Mr.Abe Katsutoshi

Daiku Master 

Mr.Naito Takashi

Message from the President

We would like to share the Japanese culture of Tatami and the “Washitsu” with people around the world. Tatami has been used as a flooring material in “Washitsu” since the Heian period (794-1192). People around the world do not have the culture of taking off their shoes when entering their homes.

In Japan, however, people walk and live on tatami mats (flooring) with bare feet. Tatami also has the effect of purifying the air and regulating the temperature, keeping it cool in summer and warm in winter,

In addition, the scent of tatami has a relaxing natural aroma.Japanese people love ling on the fresh new as it is the most relaxing experience that give you the sense of oneness with the space around you. We would like you to share that experience with people around the world. Japanese-style rooms (“Washitsu”) are also an integral part of Japanese culture and lifestyle, such as kimono, tea ceremony, flower arrangement and so on.

“Washitsu” represents the Spirit of Japan, “Wa” that has been passed on to us over 2 millennia and the culture that has been nurtured and crystalized in the eternal river of time. As one of the Master craftsmen of "Tatami” mats with mission to pass on our traditions and its spirit to the next generation of Tatami Shokunin, we are constantly innovating our own culture and traditions to meet the needs of the future.

We are committed to deliver the best of our culture and the craftsmanship to all who appreciate the deep connection to the spirit of peace “Wa” and its environment with beauty and sophistication of ancient yet living culture.

We invite you to experience the beauty of “Washitsu” and its craftsmanship

 Company Information

Naito Tatami Ltd.

2-30-10 Maruyama-dai, Kounan-ku, Yokahama-city

Kanagawa JAPAN

TEL : 81-45-842-3608

E-mail: : 7110tatami@gmail.com